Thursday, July 14, 2011


I did it. I finally got the nerve up to make my way into one of those intense looking, completely intimidating, sweat filled spinning rooms. Huzzah!

I've totally been intimidated by it, especially knowing how much fitness I've lost and how ridiculously exposed I would feel if I failed miserably. But I cannot deny the calorie burn (450 in 45 minutes!!) and have a bathing suit to fit in next month and a bridesmaid dress to fit into in October.

Time. To. Burn.

I showed up a little early, grabbed my bike, and started warming up. The class filled up quickly, even though it was at the butt crack of dawn. (I woke up at 5 to just get there on time!) (Although, to be honest, I wake up at 5:30 every day anyway, so this wasn't a stretch.) Thankfully, tons of people were using the sneaker/cage approach like me. I forgot a towel, but remembered a water bottle.

What surprised me was that it WAS hard, but it WASN'T impossible. I feel absolutely great right now (since the doms hasn't set in yet). Spin class + Starbucks Triple Venti is doing just the trick.

Now...must work...

(ps -- there was a guy there wearing a trucker hat. kid you not.)

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