Friday, July 29, 2011


Good news. On a whim, I stepped onto the scale this morning. This is something that I tend to stay away from recently, after dropping down to this weight within weeks of giving birth and then...NOTHING. Stuck. Wedged in between progress and pregnancy for about six months.

But, I've been keeping my net calories at 1500 every day (woot!) and lost 3 pounds. Not much to write home about, but it's a start. My overall weight loss goal is 35 pounds (holy crap), so this is just a start. BUT IT'S DEFINITELY A START.

The Y membership has been great, but I have learned that I am m.i.s.e.r.a.b.l.e about getting out of bed early for a class. No excuse...just lazy. I want to get better at it because I love the classes and how I feel the rest of the day and it's much easier on Michael when I'm gone in the mornings. Last week was more of a challenge with traveling to CT for a wedding, but excuses buddy.

Tomorrow is another spin class and then Obi's first swim class!! She is such a little fish and loves the water, so we're excited to get her started early in the pool. I'm convinced she has her father's "no fear" spirit (ok, maybe a little of mine) and I don't want her to ever feel afraid of anything.

In the mean time, I want to get in touch with a nutritionist to tweak my diet a bit. I heard something yesterday about protein being bad for diabetics and never was able to find conclusive evidence, but it reminded me that I might be sabotaging this whole process without realizing it. Last night, I had a big bowl of strawberries before bed. Didn't think a thing about it. This morning's sugar level? Too high. 126, which is almost 20 points higher than my typical and 30+ points higher than ideal. Time to talk to the experts!

Pounds lost: 3
Minutes exercised (last 7 days): 40
Average fasting sugars: 115
Meds: Metformin 1000 bid

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